Friday, January 24, 2014

The Throne Of Games

Season two started last night!
 And if ya'll are anything like me, it was the highlight of the evening. (Granted, I don't know what all comes on Thursday nights.) The biggest challenge of the night was that they played Nerdditch. Their version of Quidditch, if you didn't catch onto that. And if ya'll are anything like me, you're sitting your nerdy bum on the couch and judging the ever living goodness out of each and everyone of those nerds.
Sure, they're all majorly more successful than I will ever be, seeing as I can hardly do simple math, there'd be on way that I could manage being a rocket scientist, any sort of chemist or... Honestly anything with any sort of genuine success roped into it. I'm a college drop out for crying out loud.
Now, in my world, if you didn't know that an owl was NOT the only animal that was on the list of things for first year students at Hogwarts, we can't be friends. Let me get back on point here... If your defining nerd trait is that you're a Japanophile, honey you need to realize right off the bat, that to these other nerds, you're useless. To the people that can solve a rubix cube in under ten seconds, and can dish out chemical compounds for anything that you eat... Knowing Japanese doesn't seem like something that'll help them.
In any case. I'll gladly sit my ass on the couch and claim that I'm a nerd, and answer all of these questions and feel that I can win these challenges. But lets face facts; I'm not that cool nor would they ever pick a Staples Easy Tech Associate to be on the show.
For whatever legal purpose we may or may not need here. GN does not own the above image, nor do we have any legal rights to it.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Welcome To The Fold

I figured I'd take a quick moment to introduce myself and tell you what wonderful things that Adam and I have in store for 2014.
Hi, I'm Andi.
I'm a bit insane most of the time, but I'll certainly make you laugh, and if not laugh, at least one of those 'lol' moments where you just exhale a quick breath through your nose in amusement. I can't really say that I specialize in one part of Geekdom but more often than not I dabble in a little bit of everything. I love movies, old and new; I love music, my little world would stop moving if I ever stopped having music. Adam has brought me on as a female voice to the site; and sadly yes that comes with those pesky female opinions. Don't worry, we wont be burning bra's at GN.

After a brief discussion with Sir Adam, the Ruler of the GN world, there have been a few things that are decidedly going to be happening with the site.
  • More frequent posts: This could mean anything from a quick "The British Are Coming!" To an in depth, full on nerd review of a game, movie, album, anything. 
  • Collaboration posts: At some point, Adam will give all of the contributors, himself included; a topic. That topic will have a due date and a post limit. Each of the collaborators are going to speak their mind about the topic and our opinions are going to go straight to the board. 
  • All of the pretty lights: I'm making my way through the coding to try to make things prettier, more 'shiny' if you will. 
So I hope that you'll all stick around for 2014, learn and grow with us here at GN.