Thursday, January 1, 2015

Andi's 2015

Well hello there nerds. How are you doing today? I hope you're all well.
This is going to be a quick rambling of what I'm promising to bring to the page for the year 2k15... Granted. I hate myself for typing it as 2k15, it physically hurts me... Apparently it is a lot harder to reach up and hit 0 than it is to hit k...
A.D.D Aside... Adam has made this fantastic youtube page for us, and I for one cannot wait to get started on using it to my advantage. Mwhaha! I subscribe to Loot Crate so you'll have to deal with my face and my often raspy voice as I unbox them with you! Though... I'm a wee bit over zealous and have already opened the 2 that I have in my home currently. The first... vlog? I suppose, that I'm going to do is going to cover November, and December's Loot Crates with a generalized showing of what is in it, and how fan girl excited I get over the most simple things. I hope to start filming for this later today if not tomorrow.
I'd also like to bring my specific brand of sass to the Nerdom (get it. kingdom, but not?) with various reviews of games, movies, TV shows and such. I'll try some products and give you guys my opinion on them. So long as there are promises not to start a witch hunt for me saying that a horrible movie wasn't really all that bad. Speaking of... I'll just do a quick review of the most recent movie I've seen...

Myself, and a small gathering of my home slices of pizza went to see Into The Woods... Hmm...
Now, let me start by telling you guys, that I did not do any research into the movie, I saw the previews, I saw the actors and figured it was a good idea. Well... Firstly... I didn't realize it was a musical. Which, I personally have no problem with, I'm a girl, we like these things, it happens. In most musical's I have seen in the past though, there is at least a decent amount of spoken word in the movie as well as singing. Not so much the case for Into The Woods. Almost every single word was sung. This movie takes your typical fairytales that we've all grown up with; Jack and the Beanstalk, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, all of those and kind of squishes them into one giant cluster of a movie. So you're following at least five to six different stories that are all happening and variously intertwining all at one time; all surrounded by nothing but music, constant music. Though, I will thoroughly praise the actors and actresses in the movie for their performances; the movie is already nominated for three Golden Globe awards. I give even extra credit to the actors and actresses who I didn't know could sing, Emily Blunt and Meryl Streep for example; hats off to ya'll. Johnny Depp, one of my all time favorites had a rather... interesting role in the movie. Interesting and short... His character was probably the absolute creepiest in the entire movie, singing a song that came across a bit too much on the pedobear side for me to get behind, though, it did still give me chills, thank you Mr. Depp. There was a song, a scene, chapter in the movie, in which Chris Pine, whom plays the prince, and his brother prince are singing about the women that they've fallen in love with. This scene was the most... over acted... ridiculous, oh my gosh there are no words in the English language for what happened in that scene... Just... Lots of laughter.
Despite the company I went to see the movie with, they've done many things right, the casting was on point, the acting fit the parts to a t. All in all I give the movie a thumbs up, though I wouldn't pay to see it in theaters. The movie itself is listed at 125 minutes long, though I felt it lasted longer than that. Most likely because we did the movie wrong and didn't use the bathroom first. The sets were clearly all via stage, the makeup and costumes were fantastic. All in all, thumbs up to Into The Woods.

And the harder I'm sitting here thinking about this movie, I do recall sometime in high school, all those many years ago, the musical being Into The Woods... Maybe. The shrill noise that accompanies the song where they actually say "Into The Woods" about a thousand and twelve times is starting to seem all too familiar. Whether that's from hearing it in the movie, or dredging up memories that I've clearly blacked out, I'm starting to wonder...

So there you have it. A promise of what is to come turned into a review for your viewing pleasure.
If you have seen this movie. Please let me know what you think about it. I'd love to hear your feedback.

Happy New Year Nerds. =)