The Nerdly Radio Show

This will be the name of the Podcast once I can get it off the ground.

What I am going to need

1. A sound editing Program.
2. The Ability to Record off of Skype
3. Set Up a schedule
4. Find Willing Guests.

Step one is complete I will be using Audacity to record the Podcast.

Step two is in the works.  I may have found away to do this.  Just need to test it.

Step Three: I am going to attempt to set up a schedule to record these.

Step four:  I have guests in mind for this but for the first podcast I will want to have my staff on for the first ever podcast of our show.  As this is not just mine.  It is all of ours.

Audacity and The MP3 Encoder have been added to my machine.  Now I just need to set up a schedule and potential guests and this podcast will kick off soon.  :)

I want to thank my team for all the support and help they have given me in making this dream come true.

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, I can't say that I will be much help in getting this all set up. However, most computers (including windows 8.1) have a sound recorder. Could you possibly run that at the same time that you're recording the call?
