Sunday, March 22, 2015

A chance to be on TV

Greetings gentle readers.  I have entered a contest on twitter..... To become a panelist on @Midnight Hosted by Chris Hardwick. For those of you who follow me on Twitter when you see twitter posts with the Hashtag PointsMe ( #PointsMe ) please Retweet and Favorite them.  :)  The more Likes I get the higher of a chance I shall have to get on @Midnight.

Posts so far

Only the strong stand up when you kick them hard in the junk.... that is when you realize.... they were on steroids. RUN!

So many of my greatest Ideas came from the voices in my head that sound the craziest..... The sane voices get shunned  

I'd tap that mana pool to do some direct damage on that chick.

For the love of god wash your lucky underwear!  

Grumpy Kitty Influenza #AdorableIllnesses #PointsMe

Kitten Pox  

The best way to get points is to go for the nuts.... right.... right... or was it.. Sweep the leg?  

It is only funny if it involves LeBron James ending up as the spokes person for Midol  

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


So, being so wrapped up in work means that I don’t get reviews up in a timely fashion… That sucks… However. A friend and I went to see the new Will Smith movie ‘Focus’. And here’s what I thought of it…

The movie is about Nicky (Will Smith) who grew up in the realm of con artists and became quite a successful one himself, having a team of other con artists that he works with on a regular basis; not to go for the big score to set yourself up for a life time, but to live a plush, comfortable life. Which seems to be a system that Nicky is accustom to. That is until Margot Robbie’s character, Jess comes into play. She’s a young woman who is trying to learn how to con people on a professional level, such as the level Nicky is already on. To her own mistake she takes him as a mark and is caught instantly. Jess is floored by Nicky’s skill and all but begs for him to train her; which she is of course a natural at. Things between Nicky and Jess become hot and heavy until he bows out feeling it to be the best for the both of them. Three years later, Nicky is working on a big deal when Jess falls back into the picture.
Overall… Plot was pretty predictable. Boy meets girl, boy falls for girl, there’s always a bump in the road, and then they live happily ever after. However, I can honestly say there were at least two twists that snuck up on me throughout the movie. Will Smith will forever be one of my favorite actors, whom I swear doesn’t age anymore. His character gets a few good one liners in there, and is certainly convincing in his role as a con artist, as he is meant to be of course. Margot Robbie, I’ve never seen any of the other movie’s that she has been in so I can’t really speak for her acting skill. However, the pair of them together with the subject matter and the scripting; I rather liked the movie, as did the friend that I went with. Of course it left us both wanting to learn how to remove someone’s wallet, or watch without them noticing; and also wondering how the hell someone wouldn’t notice their watch suddenly leaving their own wrist…
Gerald McRaney’s character was one of my favorites, even if he wasn’t meant to be the main character, nor a really liked character throughout the majority of the movie. He is very similar to someone that I work with and just all around the perfect grumpy old man of sorts. McRaney has, positively, the best line throughout the entire movie, and is involved heavily in one of the bigger plot twists (the one that I really didn’t see coming).
According to IMDB the movie was a 6.8 out of ten. Which is apt in my opinion, it wasn’t a stellar, mind blowing amazing movie; but it certainly wasn’t terrible. If you’re just looking for an interesting, albeit predictable movie, feel free to go see it. No one could ever go horribly wrong with the Fresh Prince afterall.

Thanks for reading, feel free to comment and tell me your opinion on the movie!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Top 10 Overrated Movies

Welcome one and all to a TOP TEN LIST

This list comprises of movies that were BOX OFFICE HITS but were subsequently Big Pieces of Shitaki Mushrooms.  

10. Transformers Series
9. Zoolander

8. TMNT (2007)
7. Titanic

6. Avatar
5. The Green Hornet
4. Funny People
3. Grown Ups 2
2. Twilight Series
1. 50 Shades of Grey

* please not that this list is my opinion and you are free to disagree with it

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The D.U.F.F

The D.U.F.F

Welcome to my review of The Du…..  HOMER NO THIS ISN’T A REVIEW ABOUT YOUR FAVORITE BEER!!!  Ahem ….. The D.U.F.F

What does Homecoming mean for me?  Frankly I haven’t been to a homecoming since high school  so yeah there is that small detail.  This is a tween chick flick.  Albeit very awkwardly funny and for those of us who have been out of high school for a while….. prepare to have the floodgates of awkward moments in your life come rushing back to you.  Once the word Duff gets defined it brings to mind some of those random experiences where you felt like people were just using you to get something….. It is explained in the movie that even men can be Duffs… but we don’t call it that.. we call it wingman or diffuser.  A label placed a on friend that makes us “look better” or a gatekeeper to get our friends some points with potential dates.  Anyway you spin it, it can hurt or it can be a great asset.  

The D.U.F.F in of itself is a good movie with a great message.  Believe in and be yourself and your positive vibes will shine through.  It also sheds light on how to handle bullying of any kind.  The main character Bianca grew a lot in the short time we meet her.  She went from hard, to insecure and then to enlightened enough to realize it didn’t matter what happened in that moment.  She gained a confidence that not many of us could discover until we were way out of high school or in college.

The highlights of the movie came from the awkwardly funny situations Bianca puts herself in.  While attempting go from approachable to dateable.  I was skeptical going into the movie but by the end I found myself enjoying the film and having a good time laughing at the humor and story presented to me and my date.  It is a mixture of happy and fun and feeling bad for Bianca as she attempts to grow that makes this movie so appealing.  

If you are looking for a movie to bring your date to than take your date to see The D.U.F.F.  On a scale of 1 to 5 I give this movie a 4.  It has it’s moments but it is by no means the perfect film.  Some of the scenes just seem out of place and I feel if the directors added a bit more in certain places it would have been slightly more cohesive.   But be that as it may.  Go out and enjoy!

Thank you so much for reading please feel free to comment below and if you like what you read please feel free to read other reviews and stories by myself and the other authors.  

Last Review:  The Fifth Estate