Monday, April 13, 2015

My Theories on Game of Thrones

Today is a post I like to call GAME OF THRONES THEORIES

Welcome readers to my first ever theory post.  In where I try to explain my reason of thinking behind certain things.  Today I want to talk about The Bastard Stark.  Jon Snow

Through out book one you are thrown into the fact that Jon Snow is The Bastard of Eddard Stark and Wylla (Why-La) of House Dayne.  Or so we are led to believe.  I think Jon Snow is much more than we are led to believe and closer to a certain character in lineage on the wall.  I believe Jon Snow to be the true heir to the Iron Throne.  Thats right I believe in reality Jon Snow is the Son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. 

This is why I think this.  Remember in book one when Ned and Robert are feasting on the Kingsroad and reminiscing of the past, Robert brings up some girl Ned had mentioned named Wylla.  But Here is the kicker Wylla was never described to Robert by his best friend who was like a brother to him.  It was also during the trip south to bring Lyanna's remains to Winterfell that we find out that Lyanna had Eddard swear to keep a secret and Eddard not only brought home his supposed bastard but his sister's dead body as well.. 

It is because of this I believe that Wylla of House Dayne is not real and a story told to keep the secret of his sister dying in birthing Jon Snow (Targaryen).  It is also why I believe Eddard commands his wife never to speak of the other woman because it reminds him of the lie he invented to keep his sister's secret.

Or I could just be as mad as The Mad King

But hey.  It's just a theory...... A Game of Thrones Theory.

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